Monday, March 07, 2011

A heroic vision: A postscript

The "son I never wanted" has taken issue with me over my last blog entry.

Lee insists I should point out that we never discussed the possibility of a fox with a sub-machine gun.

"That's a ludicrous concept," he chided. "It was a fox with a handgun - and we decided that each weapon would be specially adapted because the animals concerned did not possess opposable thumbs. You should make these things clear."

He was, however, delighted to acknowledge that he was becoming something of a regular in the blog. A sort of Ando to my Hiro, I observed with another Heroes' reference.

He did not approve of that either...


  1. I can only comment with regard to series one as I lost interest after that, but Ando is far cooler than Hiro so tell Lee to be impressed.

    The animals with weapons debate brings to mind Ricky Gervais on the 11 o'clock Show pretending he was a researched for family fortunes... 'What's the biggest animal you think you could kick to death?' And many more gems like it!

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