Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nope to Pope Hope

I notice the National Secular Society (NSS) is protesting the visit of Pope Benedict.

It seems remarkably narrow minded of a group so keen on freedom of choice and thought to object to such a trip, after all they claim to "...defend scientific rationalism, freedom of speech and Human Rights, standing for equality for all regardless of religious conviction or non-belief".

Isn't freedom of speech applicable to everybody?

I don’t agree with what the fella espouses either but he has the right to look daft surely?

Such intransigence does the cause of the NSS few favours … maybe I should protest their protest.

1 comment:

  1. I think you've made a fairly basic misunderstanding. The NSS is not protesting against the right of the Pope to be a reactionary. They are protesting against the reactionary attitudes.

