Thursday, October 22, 2009

Give 'Nasty Nick' his platform

I wholeheartedly support the BBC’s stance on allowing the BNP’s Nick Griffin to appear on today’s Question Time.

People have voted for this man and his party and while the majority of us may find his policies abhorrent and his followers odious, in a country which is supposed to believe in free speech, there is no room for censoring politics.

Cabinet minister Peter Hain has done himself little credit when referring to other parties as ‘democratic’. This IS democracy in action, as repulsive as it may be.

Griffin is a Euro MP. People voted for him – albeit people with the IQ of a whelk. His voice should be heard. To keep him off the programme would simply give him something else to bleat about, only on this occasion his stance would not be quite so ill-informed.

Let’s hear what he has to say. Then let everybody see what a foul, bigoted, narrow-minded individual he is. Albeit a reasonably articulate foul, bigoted, narrow-minded individual.

Personally I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t thrown anything at the telly since the closing credits of X Factor went up.

Check out Newsarse’s take on Question Time here "BNP supporters to overcome fear of ’speaking picture box"

1 comment:

  1. I think you've been very unfair to the whelk population.
